Tuesday, August 5, 2008

"Hey! It's automatic when you know it"

A couple things this time:

I will have to admit I am a "people watcher." I could probably go somewhere with big crowds and just watch people go about their everyday lives and watch the interactions-I think it's interesting and also to see if you can gather enough information about people's "stories." One of the best places to do this is at a Casino. This past weekend, for the first time, I ventured over to the Casino Queen in ESTL with Theo and it was quite the experience. The thing I found most surprising was the vast array of people there-my favorite was the little old grandma pulling the slot machines...There was all walks of life there and people were willing to put down money like it was nothing...The roulette table got the best of me, I should have stopped while I was ahead. It was fun though, I don't know if I would go back, if anything it would be a place to just hang out and try to win some money. I like just hanging out with people and playing cards and enjoying the company.

I read this article from Craig Ballantyne about Bench Press and I thought it was a really interesting article about training and building your pectoral muscles (chest).

"But there are pro's and con's of course, like with every exercise.

Pro: It builds muscle in the chest, triceps, and deltoids.

Con: It can be murder on your shoulder joint depending on how you are built, how you do them, how often you do them, what's in the rest of your training program, your posture, and other factors.

Pro: It will give you an answer for when someone asks, "So, how much ya bench?"

But here's the thing...

Today's bench press tip is this...If you are doing bench press and only going half-way down, just stop. Stop doing your "half" version of the bench press and find another exercise.

Because you really aren't doing bench presses with that form anymore than you are doing high jump when you jump UNDER the bar.

In the bench press, you lower the weight to your chest. That is the definition of how the exercise is done - check with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. And that is the RULE in bench press competitions."

It has been a long time since I have did barbell bench press and trying to do a lot of weight. If one thing I have learned lately is that you will build muscle by having correct form while using an appropriate weight for any lift. That will also help prevent injury, while focusing on the muscle group area. It reminds me of the power lifting club at school who would wear these ridiculous shirts and these guys that were as skinny as a poll could put like 35o on the bar and only go down 2 inches...what is that doing for you-building your ego? I will agree if I accomplish something training that I have never done before I get a little ego boost, but it's also because I know I have made myself fitter and healthier. I think I could go on about this even more, but I feel that is enough for now. So, to all those lifters out there-accomplish a new personal best next time your in the gym wether it's on the Treadmill, Bench, Push-Ups or Chin-up Bar...Maybe next time: Workout Recipes and adventures in cooking...

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