Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Presidential History: How We Remember Presidents

I found this article in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, "History may well smile on George W. Bush" written by Charles Krauthammer. He presents a very good point on how we will remember President Bush once he has served his two terms as the President of the United States in America.

"For the last 150 years, most American war presidents — most notably Lincoln, Wilson and Roosevelt — have entered or re-entered office knowing war was looming. Not so George Bush. Not so the war on terrorism. The 9/11 attacks literally came out of the blue.

Indeed, the three presidential campaigns between the fall of the Berlin Wall and 9/11 were the most devoid of foreign policy debate of any in the 20th century. The commander-in-chief question that dominates our campaigns today was almost nowhere in evidence during our '90s holiday from history. When I asked President Bush during an interview Monday to reflect on this oddity, he cast himself back to early 2001, recalling what he expected his presidency would be about: education reform, tax cuts and military transformation from a Cold War structure to a more mobile force adapted to smaller-scale 21st-century conflict. But a wartime president he became. And that is how history will remember and judge him."

Now I for one think President Bush has done an admirable job (he has one of the most scrutinized, publicized, and stressful jobs-only behind Pope Benedict XVI) as President and leader of our Great Nation. Sure, some things have not gone the way he has probably planned for them to go, but who could plan on September 11th and the fact that the situation in Iraq seems to not be getting better because of ignorance and hatred among the people who live there. Now will President Bush be placed along the same side as Lincoln, Washington, Roosevelt(s)? Probably not, but he won't be one of the worst-maybe somewhere in the middle of the pack. Remember he does have 4 months to solidify his place in history. I think it would be interesting to be able to sit down and ask the President questions you had and to listen to him speak about being the President and all what entails.

Presidential Highlights:
If anyone has ever seen Frank Caliendo do a GW Bush Impersonation, it is downright hilarious!
Also, with his reception of Pope Benedict VXI was very admiral and his hospitality was well respected by His Holiness, I am sure. I have read articles that call GW the "Closet Catholic."
To see a list of different rankings of Presidents: Historical rankings of United States of America Presidents

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