Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Harry Potter, Frodo, and Aslan

I found this article to be rather interesting because it seems as another attack on Harry Potter and the "evil" of J.K. Rowling's books. In the Vatican daily newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, it describes Harry Potter as the wrong kind of hero. The rest of the article goes on to compare Rowling's series with that of C.S. Lewis and J.R. Tolkein, of whom they wrote the Chronicles of Narnia and Lord of the Rings series, both of which are highly fantastic. I think the article has some good points that the writing of Tolkein and Lewis are "better" models of heroes than Harry Potter, but it makes Harry out to be this evil hero defeating the evil villain. In analyzing and comparing these three works, the intent of them needs to be looked at. I don't think Rowling was writing these books for the same purpose that Lewis and Tolkein wrote theirs. Rowling seems to be writing because that is what she does, while Lewis and Tolkein write also because thats what they do, but also because they are writing for a message to society and the Christian world/faith "Tolkien and Lewis portray "the extraordinary discovery of true Christianity, for which the main character of history is not an exceptional human being, like in the ancient paganism or in today's ideologies, but a person who says yes to the initiatives of God's mysteries."" Sure I think that there are better models of heroes in Lewis and Tolkein, but it seems that Harry Potter is being throw to the curb, while the article does say the he inhibits some very essential characteristics they are overshadowed by the "evil" that comes with magic. We need to remember that magic isn't real, the only thing real about magic is God's mystery and how it is perpetrated each day in our lives to reveal His Glory!

Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Coming May 16, 2008!

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